
How To Turn Off Wordpress Auto Update

Are you aware of the fact that WordPress tin update your website automatically? WordPress is capable of updating the themes and plugins for your site every bit well.

While updating your website automatically might provide additional security benefits, however there are chances that it might break your site'southward functioning.

In this mail service, nosotros aim at helping you understand the procedure to disable WordPress theme updates automatically.

Why are WordPress Automated Updates for Your Site Not a Good Idea?

The concept of groundwork automated updates for your site and its features were introduced with WordPress This update was made towards promoting improved site security.

By default, WordPress automatic updates are limited merely to pocket-sized releases. However, in some typical cases, WordPress might even update the plugins and themes on your site. This is when you need to be aware of how to disable WordPress theme updates.

If you too tend to use the highly sought-after Yoast WordPress SEO plugin, and so at that place are higher chances that your site gets updated automatically in some weeks without whatever notification.

While automated updates are regarded as cracking for ensuring WordPress security, information technology might break your site in some way or the other.

WordPress users are known to not receive whatsoever notification about the automatic updates of their themes or plugins. As such, an update tin can not but take your site down, but information technology might also incur a significant amount of fourth dimension in troubleshooting the given issue.

How to Disable WordPress Auto Updates?

Unless yous are working with a single WordPress theme or plugin developer who is capable of advisedly coding as well as syncing each of the corresponding tools with another, there always stands a chance that the code nowadays in a single piece of software might disharmonize with the other.

And, information technology might even come from a theme or a plugin that you have been using for several months or years. Simply a single imbalance between the 2 essential elements of your site can take your site down in no fourth dimension. In such a situation, disabling motorcar updates in WordPress can serve as the ultimate solution.

Once you have disabled the WordPress auto updates, you tin achieve the full control of your site and its features. This implies that every process, including testing each & every lawmaking, theme, or plugin update, is carried out in a safe environment – abroad from the live WordPress site. If everything happens as expected, then it would accept only a few clicks to button through the new update.

When you wish to disable WordPress theme updates, there are two options:

  • The manual approach that requires some kind of coding
  • Using a WordPress plugin – Piece of cake Updates Manager Plugin (recommended)

With either pick, you are provided with some grade of flexibility while disabling the automatic update. Allow us hash out each ane of them in particular.

How to Manually Disable WordPress Auto Updates

When you wish to disable the WordPress auto updates manually for the Cadre files, you should starting time log into the command panel of your WordPress site.

For example, if you're using GoDaddy to host your website and cPanel to manage the data and files, utilise these steps:

  1. Login to your GoDaddy business relationship
  2. Go to My Account -> Web Hosting -> Manage
  3. Click on the button that says 'cPanel Admin'

godaddy cpanel admin

Once you've logged into cPanel, you can follow the steps as:

  1. Navigate to the File Director department and click on information technology for editing the existing files at the database'due south root.
  2. Now, locate the file named "wp-config.php"godaddy wp-config file
  3. Highlight the file and select the Edit option from the tiptop card.
  4. Once you achieve inside the file, you are expected to implement some lines of codes depending upon which aspect of your website do you wish to disable auto-updates for.

For disabling every auto update for the site, add together this line at the end of the "wp-config.php" file:

define('automatic_updater_disabled', true);

For disabling auto updates for only core files like "index.php", "wp-config.php", "wp-admin.php" and others, add this snippet at the end of "wp-config.php" file:

define('wp_auto_update_core', false);

For disabling only major and development updates simply leaving small updates enabled, add together this snippet at the stop of "wp-config.php" file:

define( 'wp_auto_update_core', small-scale );

For disabling automatic plugin updates, add together this line:

add_filter( 'auto_update_plugin', '__return_false' );

For disabling automatic theme updates, add together this line:

add_filter( 'auto_update_theme', '__return_false' );

While you can also disable WordPress automatic updates for small-scale updates, translation files, plugins, themes, and major updates, it would require making use of the "add_filter()" calls equally shown above.

Theoretically, the "wp-config.php" file is not capable of handling the add_filter() calls. Therefore, the experts recommend that the users should brand apply of a loftier-end WordPress plugin for disabling the major updates, including themes and plugins.

However, if you take prior feel doing so, you can go alee and employ these calls every bit well.

If, you are looking for a more than foolproof and easier approach, making employ of a plugin is recommended.

How to D isable Automobile WordPress Theme Update Using a Plugin

To show y'all how to disable WordPress Theme Update we will use Like shooting fish in a barrel Updates Manager plugin for the task.

With this plugin, you can control the auto-update feature for your site every bit well as the theme.

The Easy Updates Manager plugin allows y'all to practice this for a single site for the given Multisite network. Hither are the steps to follow to utilize the Easy Updates Managing director plugin:

  1. In the WordPress dashboard, become to the option "Plugins" and select the choice "Add New."
  2. In the search box, type the keyword "Like shooting fish in a barrel Updates Manager" to direct select this plugin OR "disable auto-updates" to know other plugin options.Install-Plugin
  3. Click on the selection "Install Now." When the installation is complete, click on the option "Activate."
  4. Now caput to "Plugins" option from the left hand sidebar and click on "Installed Plugins".
  5. From the available list of plugins, locate "Easy Updates Manager", and select the option "Configure."Configure-Plugin
  6. The "General" tab of the plugin would permit yous to set up the plugin conditions with respect to how you would similar to manage too as receive notifications almost updates of themes and plugins for your WordPress site.Disable-Settings

The options for managing the WordPress car updates are:

  • Enable/Disable all updates
  • Manage all WordPress automatic updates through a single button
  • Manage Plugin updates
  • Manage Theme updates
  • Manage Translation updates
  • Manage Notification e-mails
  • Other settings

Fifty-fifty if you select the "Enable All Updates" pick (default) you need to configure the individual update settings listed beneath.

  1. For disabling the plugin or theme auto updates in WordPress, you lot can only enable or disable the updates. There is no option of automated updates hither.plugin-theme-disable-settings
  2. Even so, yous tin individually set up the update options for each of your plugins and themes by clicking on their respective tabs on the Easy Updates Director configuration screen.plugin-updates


When disabling the motorcar updates for your WordPress theme, information technology is suggested that you should be cautious while doing then because carelessness here would mess up with the site's features or performance altogether.

If possible, you should consider getting services from a professional WordPress developer to do the aforementioned.


Every bit seen, there are some valid reasons for you to opt for disabling auto updates on your WordPress site.

If you no longer rely on the automated updates for running in the site'due south background, it implies that y'all are required to log into your site frequently in lodge to cheque for new updates. This holds specifically true when the updates are related to sure security releases. Then, yous should test the updates on some staging server before you implement the same on your WordPress site.

Skilful luck with your WordPress Site!

How To Turn Off Wordpress Auto Update,


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